How to extract protocol field , source ip and destination ip from offline pcap file using jnetpcap library?
For TCP/IP stack: We can get the protocols on the basis of port number of tcp header
Port numbers corresponding to different protocols are given on the following link:
Getting protocol in jnetpap library ( ):
PcapPacket packet = //get from somewhere
Tcp tcp = new Tcp();
Ip4 ip = new IP4();
byte[] sIP = new byte[4];
byte[] dIP = new byte[4];
String sourceIP = "";
String destIP = "";
if(packet.hasHeader(ip) && packet.hasHeader(tcp)){
sIP = packet.getHeader(ip).source();
sourceIP = org.jnetpcap.packet.format.FormatUtils.ip(sIP);
dIP = packet.getHeader(ip).destination();
destIP = org.jnetpcap.packet.format.FormatUtils.ip(dIP);
System.out.println("*" + sourceIP + "*" + destIP);
System.out.println("Source IP" + sourceIP);
System.out.println("Destination IP" + destIP);
if(tcp.source() == 80){
System.out.println("HTTP protocol");
} else if(tcp.source == 23) {
System.out.println("Telnet protocol");