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Apache camel ftp component - notification on successful transfer

We are in the process of building a Java application with Camel to transfer files between two FTP locations. Is there a way to get a notification on the successful transfer of a file? We are not allowed to use a JMS solution for building the application.


  • I hope you could create another route and have seda/vm as the endpoint.This endpoint needs to be called after the ftp endpoint.

    <route id="MainRoute">
    <from uri="ftp:RemoteLocation"/> 
    <from uri="seda:Retry"/>
    <to uri="seda:MyLog"/>
    <!--Your Main Processing logic -->
    <route id="Notification-processor">
    <from uri="seda:MyLog"/>
    <!--Your Logging/Notification Processing logic -->

    In the above scenario of Notification-processor you can have your custom notificaiton/log activity. This is your custom notification logic. If you need to notify for anomalies you can have a to endpoint in the Notification-processor for sending the notification.

    You need to write logic to check if the message is complete if not you can have a bean called in the Notification-processor which can have dynamic route to extract the specific file form the ftp location and reprocess it. Like below

    <route id="Notification-processor">
    <from uri="seda:MyLog"/>
    <!--Anomaly checker  -->
    <to uri="seda:Retry"/>
    <!--Your Logging/Notification Processing logic -->