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auth issues with angular and firebase, undefined is not a function, how to?

i am trying to use the firebase user authentication and management to register, login, etc a user

but i have issues getting $getAuth() or $createUser(), they come in as undefined is not a function, also $getCurrentUser() seems to be missing


angular.module('', [])

    .factory('Auth', function ($q, $firebase, FBURL, $location, $rootScope, localStorageService) {

        var ref = new Firebase(FBURL);
        var auth = $firebase(ref);

console.log(auth.$getAuth()); //undefined is not a function

any ideas?

i am using AngularFire 0.9.0, Firebase v2.0.4, AngularJS v1.3.3.


  • You seem to have some copy/paste/modify errors from the examples. $getAuth is an AngularFire method, so it is not defined on a regulare Firebase JavaScript ref.

    The simplest example I could quickly code up:

    angular.module('app', ['firebase'])
      .constant('FBURL', "")
      .factory("Auth", function($firebaseAuth, FBURL) {
        var ref = new Firebase(FBURL);
        return $firebaseAuth(ref);
      .controller('MainCtrl', function ($scope, Auth) {
        $scope.auth = Auth;

    Note that this will only log something meaningful if the user is logged in, otherwise it will log null.