In some extension we implement the IVsUpdateSolutionEvents2 and IVsSolutionBuildManager2 used for registering caller with the AdviseUpdateSolutionEvents
For example, this called before any build actions have begun:
public int UpdateSolution_Begin(ref int pfCancelUpdate)
However, also need getting the status or type of the current build action, for example: build/rebuild/clean/deploy
With the Events.BuildEvents i can subscribe to OnBuildBegin, for example:
_buildEvents.OnBuildBegin += new _dispBuildEvents_OnBuildBeginEventHandler((vsBuildScope Scope, vsBuildAction Action) => {
buildType = (BuildType)Action;
and use the buildType in any places, because the vsBuildAction provides all the necessary information
but the UpdateSolution_Begin / UpdateSolution_StartUpdate called first as priority with advising method, and as result the buildType sets too late..
also we can use this OnBuildBegin instead of UpdateProjectCfg_Begin / UpdateSolution_StartUpdate, but our handling is also needed as soon as possible with priority caller
The IVsUpdateSolutionEvents4.UpdateSolution_BeginUpdateAction provides the dwAction and fired before every update action begins during solution build - before the first UpdateProjectCfg_Begin
it's exactly what i need! because dwAction i can check with the VSSOLNBUILDUPDATEFLAGS
However :( it appeared in VS2012, our extension supports the VS2010 and higher... so need also variant for 2010 version
The IVsUpdateSolutionEvents2.UpdateProjectCfg_Begin also provides the dwAction (see also VSSOLNBUILDUPDATEFLAGS) and available for 2010 version, however it's the same as first BuildEvents variant - it's too late for handling (and not quite suitable for our task)
I can't find documentation for this, however the VSSOLNBUILDUPDATEFLAGS available for VS2010, so i think should be variant for getting this as current state of the build action, e.g as with __VSHPROPID and GetProperty for IVsHierarchy etc...
is it possible ? or i can only with OnBuildBegin subscription o_O
found with \VisualStudioIntegration\Common\Inc\vsshell100.h:
{ VSHPROPID_TargetFrameworkMoniker = -2102,
VSHPROPID_ExternalItem = -2103,
VSHPROPID_SupportsAspNetIntegration = -2104,
VSHPROPID_DesignTimeDependencies = -2105,
VSHPROPID_BuildDependencies = -2106,
VSHPROPID_BuildAction = -2107,
VSHPROPID_DescriptiveName = -2108,
VSHPROPID_AlwaysBuildOnDebugLaunch = -2109,
} ;
typedef /* [public] */ DWORD VSHPROPID4;
so, looked doc. - BSTR __VSHPROPID4.VSHPROPID_BuildAction - retrieves the build action for an item
ok, good news, next step... try to get, for example:
object type;
hr.GetProperty((uint)VSConstants.VSITEMID.Root, (int)__VSHPROPID4.VSHPROPID_BuildAction, out type);
where hr is a, for example:
IVsSolutionBuildManager2 sbm = (IVsSolutionBuildManager2)ServiceProvider.GlobalProvider.GetService(typeof(SVsSolutionBuildManager));
IVsHierarchy hr = null;
sbm.get_StartupProject(out hr);
However, the type always is null... it may be problem with notifying(has not occurred), but also similar result if used the pHierProj from UpdateProjectCfg_Begin / UpdateProjectCfg_Done:
int UpdateProjectCfg_Begin(IVsHierarchy pHierProj, IVsCfg pCfgProj, IVsCfg pCfgSln, uint dwAction, ref int pfCancel)
int UpdateProjectCfg_Done(IVsHierarchy pHierProj, IVsCfg pCfgProj, IVsCfg pCfgSln, uint dwAction, int fSuccess, int fCancel)
which already provides the dwAction...
and., how to use VSHPROPID_BuildAction -_- problem with IVsHierarchy ?
finished :)
With the EnvDTE.CommandEvents, we can work before processing IVsUpdateSolutionEvents2 and listen all incoming commands, sample:
VSStd97CmdID - {5EFC7975-14BC-11CF-9B2B-00AA00573819}
VSStd2KCmdID - {1496A755-94DE-11D0-8C3F-00C04FC2AAE2}
GUID: {5EFC7975-14BC-11CF-9B2B-00AA00573819} (ID: 882) :: Build.BuildSolution
GUID: {5EFC7975-14BC-11CF-9B2B-00AA00573819} (ID: 883) :: Build.RebuildSolution
GUID: {5EFC7975-14BC-11CF-9B2B-00AA00573819} (ID: 884) :: Build.DeploySolution
GUID: {5EFC7975-14BC-11CF-9B2B-00AA00573819} (ID: 885) :: Build.CleanSolution
GUID: {1496A755-94DE-11D0-8C3F-00C04FC2AAE2} (ID: 2005) :: Build.PublishSelection
GUID: {1496A755-94DE-11D0-8C3F-00C04FC2AAE2} (ID: 353) :: Build.Link
for example:
_cmdEvents.BeforeExecute += new _dispCommandEvents_BeforeExecuteEventHandler((string guid, int id, object customIn, object customOut, ref bool cancelDefault) => {
if(GuidList.VSStd97CmdID == guid || GuidList.VSStd2KCmdID == guid) {
Now we can work with type of action in UpdateSolution_Begin, for example:
if(evt.BuildType != BuildType.Common && evt.BuildType != buildType) {
if(buildType == BuildType.Clean || buildType == BuildType.LinkOnly){
full example you can see in sources (see comment where). Also, i think it’s not best variant, however it's variant for VS2010 and higher versions (also should work on very older 2005 & 2008, i think)…
For VS2012 and newer i recommend the IVsUpdateSolutionEvents4
So, my problem solved.
Other best variants ?