I am having a hard time trying to figure out how to extend the creep class to add my own functions in the new javascript mmo game, Screeps -> www.screeps.com
I dunno how to do that, but I created a wrapper class like this one:
You created a function for calling memory, and try to use it s property. See below: var _ = require("lodash");
function MyCreep(creep){
this.creep = creep;
this.memoryProp = creep.memory;
MyCreep.prototype.memoryFunc = function(){
return this.creep.memory;
MyCreep.prototype.moveTo = function(target){
MyCreep.prototype.myFunction = function(target){
//TODO something
So when I need to deal with creep, I do:
var myCreeps = [];
for (var creep in Game.creeps){
creep.memory.role = "hello memory";
var myCreep = new MyCreep(Game.creeps[creep]);
myCreeps.push(myCreep); ;
console.log("original creep memory: "+creep.memory.role);
console.log("my creep memory func: "+myCreep.memoryFunc().role);
console.log("my creep memory prop: "+myCreep.memoryProp.role);
var myCreeps = [];
_.forEach(Game.creeps, function(creep){
var myCreep = new MyCreep(creep);
and then deal with myCreeps, locally stored.