I am trying to dispatch fault event in GraniteDS service
method call (Flex):
userService.addUser(user, null, function addUserFault(e:TideFaultEvent):void {
server method (Spring):
public User addUser(User user) throws Exception{
if(findUserByName(user.getUsername()) != null)
throw new Exception("Username Already Exist");
return user;
But what i get is silence on client side and java.lang.NoSuchMethodException
in server console.
How can i use default graniteds exception converter to deliver fault event to client (Flex)?
Solved. I dont know if it's a bug or not, but you cannot set result function to null and specify fault function only - this wont work. My call method should look like:
userService.addUser(user, function addUserResult(e:TideResultEvent){
// do nothing
}, function addUserFault(e:TideFaultEvent):void {
in this case java Exception in remote method will be send back to flex as TideFaultEvent.