Consider the x86 instruction ENTER
. From Intel's instruction set reference.
Creates a stack frame for a procedure. The first operand (size operand) specifies the size of the stack frame (that is, the number of bytes of dynamic storage allocated on the stack for the procedure). The second operand (nesting level operand) gives the lexical nesting level (0 to 31) of the procedure. The nesting level determines the number of stack frame pointers that are copied into the “display area” of the new stack frame from the preceding frame. Both of these operands are immediate values.
I was wondering how the ENTER
instruction works when a nonzero nesting level is passed as a second operand. In this case, according to Intel's manual, the processor should push additional frame pointers on the stack. Sounds simple, but I can't figure why it doesn't work as expected on sample programs.
I compiled the following example with FASM and debugged with OllyDbg.
format PE
section '.text' code readable executable
entry start
enter 16, 8
push 0
call ExitProcess
The stack frame emitted by the ENTER
instruction is given below.
000CFF58 00000000 ; new esp
000CFF5C 00000000
000CFF60 00000000
000CFF64 00000000
000CFF68 000CFF88 ; value of new ebp
000CFF6C 7EFDE000 ; ?
000CFF70 000CFF94 ; value of old ebp
000CFF74 76AD338A ; ?
000CFF78 7EFDE000 ; ?
000CFF7C 000CFF94 ; value of old ebp
000CFF80 76AD338A ; ?
000CFF84 7EFDE000 ; ?
000CFF88 000CFF94 ; value of old ebp
000CFF8C 76AD338A ; old esp
The results are weird. Let's do the same thing with gcc.
> cat enter.s
.globl _start
enter $16, $8
movl $1, %eax
movl $0, %ebx
int $0x80
> gcc -m32 -g -c enter.s && ld -melf_i386 enter.o
> gdb a.out
(gdb) r
Program received signal SIGSEGV, Segmentation fault.
_start () at enter.s:5
5 enter $16, $8
Errr, ok...
I'm probably misunderstanding how it supposed to work. My only guess here is that the ENTER
instruction is handled by OS in some way, but this is almost certainly wrong.
The nested form of the enter
instruction assumes you already have a valid frame pointer in ebp
, which is not the case on linux at the start of the process. Presumably that is why you get a fault.
Try this instead:
enter $0, $0 # set up initial stack frame
push $1
push $2 # simulate two previous frame pointers
enter $16, $3 # nested proc level 3, esp should be 32 less
movl (%ebp), %eax # should be previous ebp
movl -4(%ebp), %eax # should be 1
movl -8(%ebp), %eax # should be 2
movl $1, %eax
movl $0, %ebx
int $0x80
See also section 6.5.1 ENTER Instruction in the Intel® 64 and IA-32 Architectures Software Developer's Manual Volume 1: Basic Architecture