I have XML content that I need to query from within javascript. To use a simple example, here is the XML:
<author>Smith, John</author>
<subject>Science Fiction</subject>
<author>Jones, Tom</author>
This XML is referenced in an 'xmlDoc' variable.
Now I want to find all nodes where the child node is equal to a value passed in via a URL parameter, or some other dynamically selected method. This category is stored in a variable called 'category'.
I can create an evaluate expression like:
var result = xmlDoc.evaluate('/books/book[category="Biography"]', xmlDoc, null, XPathResult. ANY_TYPE,null);
if I statically enter the category value.
But how do I check if the value of the node matches the value of the 'category' variable? I likely need to escape the 'category' variable in some way, but I cannot figure it out.
Just as you would concatenate Strings normally in JavaScript. That is by using the +
var result = xmlDoc.evaluate('/books/book[category="' + category + '"]',
xmlDoc, null, XPathResult.ANY_TYPE, null);