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Creating & Previewing MarkDown Document with PyCharm and LightTable

I am new to programming. Like, really new.

But the process of learning python programming introduced me to a lot of exciting apps for my laptop.

I am now a regular user of PyCharm. I recently installed LightTable too and liked it instantly.

Can somebody explain me or share a resource for the way to use these two applications to write and preview content using markdown language?

I own a blog on a 3rd party web space (Svbtle) which uses only markdown, and I have been using it so far comfortably. Its editing mode allows me write and preview content. But this can be done only if I am online. I tried to understand this from their website documentation, but it was too technical for me.

I know there are many cool online tools for this. But I would like have this stuff locally installed so I can be at ease when I am offline. I also checked several other editors and IDEs, but I would like to stick on to PyCharm and LightTable. I would like to give a try at Atom soon. But this is it for now.



  • Lighttable has a good solution for this!

    Short Answer

    Install and use the Markdown plugin.

    Long Answer


    1. Open the command finder: Ctrl+Space

    2. Type the command Plugins: Show plugin manager to open up the plugin manager.

    3. Install the Markdown plugin and restart Lighttable.


    1. While editing a markdown file, open the command finder: Ctrl+Space

    2. Type the command Markdown: Watch this editor for changes

    You can then move the live-rendered markdown tab into its own tabset so that you can view it side-by-side with your editing tab while you edit!