I have a view with text-box of type Number and i am successfully validating whether i'm entering numeric's or not like that using knockout validation plugin
But here comes a situation where i need to format my entered numbers with a comma
for every four digits onBlur
(millions formats) .
I have no clue how to proceed with this implementation but i just had couple of thoughts but no idea how to make it into picture (better ideas are appreciated)
Here is my FIDDLE
Requirement : I will explain my scenario based on this number 1234567890
onLoad i need to show the number in my textbox as 12,3456,7890
If user wants to modify the number means when he clicks inside the text-box the number should become 1234567890
so he can modify it (onblur sort of).
After modifying if user clicks outside the text-box means the number should become comma separated to view .
Finally i have validation to check whether is it number or not . #so it should accept numbers with comma .
I thought something like this :
1)i use computed to format and return it
2)no clue on this but gave a thought to subscribe
3)same subscribe
4) custom validation separating commas in a number and validating i.e may be regex expression .
Is it even possible in knockout or not i have my doubts but fingers crossed i hope everything has some way .
Interestingly i found knockout-kendo which does the work what i'm looking for but i prefer to implement the same functionality in knockout rather using some other plugin which cause issue in some point of time .
Any ideas are crazy enough for me to run .
You can create two inputs:
<input type="text" readonly data-bind="value: valFormatted,
visible: !editMode(),
click: toggleEdit" />
<input type="text" data-bind="value: val,
visible: editMode,
hasFocus: editMode,
event: { blur: toggleEdit}" />
window.onload = function() {
var vm = {
val: ko.observable(),
valFormatted: ko.computed({
read: function() {
// number format
return (vm.val() || '') + '[formatted]';
deferEvaluation: true
editMode: ko.observable(false),
toggleEdit: function() {
window.onload = function() {
var vm = {
val: ko.observable(),
valFormatted: ko.computed({
read: function() {
// number format
return (vm.val() || '') + '[formatted]';
deferEvaluation: true
editMode: ko.observable(false),
toggleEdit: function() {
<script src="https://cdnjs.cloudflare.com/ajax/libs/knockout/3.2.0/knockout-min.js"></script>
<input type="text" data-bind="value: valFormatted, visible: !editMode(), click: toggleEdit" readonly />
<input type="text" data-bind="value: val, visible: editMode, hasFocus: editMode, event: { blur: toggleEdit}" />