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How to add new AdfBcFactTypes in oracle rules file

I have a Oracle rules file: MyDeparmentRules.rules

I have some AdfBcFactType nodes with propertys:

<AdfBcFactType id="J}my.project.depart.model.gri.views.GRDetalesDeclaracionsVVO">
            <Property id="J}my.project.depart.model.gri.views.GRDetalesDeclarationsVVO.{ViewRowImpl}">
                <Expression id="L}8242">
  1. How do I add new AdfBcFactType-s for new view objects?
  2. How do I add new property-s for these AdfBcFactTypes?


  • I solved this in the following way:

    I downloaded the following:

    1. Oracle SOA Composite Editor
    2. Oracle Business Rules Designer

    by: Help -> updates -> Oracle SOA Composite Editor