I have a meteor project in which I'm trying to render a page with url data, however Meteor is not rendering the right template...
This is my iron router code:
Router.map(function() {
this.route('profile', {
path: '/profile/:_id',
template: 'profile',
data: function () {
return Meteor.users.findOne({_id: this.params._id});
this.route('home', {
and the (simple) template:
<template name="profile">
with this helper function:
user: function() { return this; }
I know Meteor goes through the route since the console.info() in the router function dumps an object three(!) times in the console. However I only get to see my homepage and I never get to the profile page.
All information I could find about this came from iron router tutorials or the docs and shows (about) the exact code I have. Has anyone had this problem before? What am I doing wrong?
I also noticed that when I add an action function to the route, this function never runs...
action : function () {
console.info("action running!");
if (this.ready()) {
Ok seems I made a stupid mistake:
I blocked access to a profile unless it is your own profile. I was testing the access to my page with the wrong user _id.