So, I got this comparable class:
public class JakeInteger implements Comparable<JakeInteger>{
private int value;
public JakeInteger(int value){
this.value = value;
public int compareTo(JakeInteger other) {
if (other.getValue() < value)
return -1;
if (other.getValue() > value)
return 1;
return 0;
public String toString(){
return String.valueOf(value);
public int getValue(){return value;}
I think I've got it right...
Then I have my own linked list of generic objects: (no need to read all of it)
public class GenericList<Type extends Comparable> implements Iterable<Comparable>{
private Node first = null;
private int length = 0;
public Iterator<Comparable> iterator() {return new ListIterator();}
private class ListIterator implements Iterator<Comparable>{
private Node current = first;
public boolean hasNext() {return current != null;}
public Node getCurrentNode(){
return current;
public Comparable next() {
Comparable item = current.item;
current =;
return item;
private class Node{
Comparable<Type> item;
Node next;
public boolean isEmpty(){
if (first == null)
return true;
return false;
public void prepend(Comparable item){
Node second = first;
first = new Node();
first.item = item; = second;
public void append(Comparable item){
if (length == 0){
prepend (item);
Node last = first;
for (int i = 0; i<length-1; i++)
last =; = new Node(); = item;
public Comparable first(){
return first.item;
public Comparable pop(){//rest
Comparable oldFirst = first.item;
first =;
return oldFirst;
public int getLength(){
return length;
// it
public Comparable getByIndex(int Index){
if (Index > this.length - 1)return null;
Iterator<Comparable> it = iterator();
for (int i = 0; i < Index-1; i++){;
public Node getNodeByIndex(int Index){
Node node = first;
for (int i = 0; i < Index; i++)
node =;
return node;
public void bubbleSort(){
if (length <= 0)
Node tempNode = first;
int R = length -2;
boolean swapped = true;
while (R >= 0 && swapped){
swapped = false;
for (int i = 0; i <= R; i++){
//if(tempNode.item.compareTo((Type) )
private void swapWithNext(Node a){
Comparable itema = a.item;
a.item =; = itema;
So far everything works fine, but now, when I'm trying to implement a bubble sort , the item.compareTo() doesn't exist. The way I see it the Item should always have implemented the comparable interface and have access to this method. What am I doing wrong?
Change the implements clause of your
GenericList` from:
public class GenericList<Type extends Comparable> implements Iterable<Comparable>{
public class GenericList<Type extends Comparable<Type>> implements Iterable<Type>{
Just using Comparable
is incomplete by itself; you need to say what it should be able to compare against. An in your case, that should be the type variable Type
Throughout your class, you should also change Comparable
to Type
, and in the inner class ListIterator
, you should also define a type variable (but to avoid confusion, don't call it Type
but something else like Type2
, because it will be independent from the type variable Type
in GenericList
public Iterator<Type> iterator() {return new ListIterator<Type>();}
private class ListIterator<Type2 extends Comparable<Type2>> implements Iterator<Type2>{
public Type2 next() {
// ...
// ...
public void prepend(Type2 item){
// ...
public void append(Type2 item){
// ...
public Type2 first(){
// ...
public Type2 pop(){
// ...