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How to programmatically add a User Note at registration in Joomla 3.x

I'm trying to add a User Note while programmatically adding a user. I've been working quite successfully from Joomla 3.0 Register user with php script, but am unable to figure out how J32 adds a note - in model notes.php, the save function is commented out, so it's a deadend for me while I figure out all this marvelous new version of the best CMS out there.

Is there some method to do this - an equivalent to registering like $model->addnote,


  • i couldn't find a method but here is the script i have used within my own plugin. All seems to work correctly

    protected function _addNote($vars) {
        $now = new JDate();
        $now = $now->toSql();
        // Create and save the user note
        $userNote    = (object) array(
                        'user_id'            => $vars['id'],
                        'catid'              => 0,
                        'subject'            => "User Information Update By Proworx",
                        'body'               => "<p>User ".$vars['name']." has been updated to:</p><p>Name: ".$vars['name']."</p><p>Email: ".$vars['email']."</p><p>Password: Not Telling... check proworx</p>",
                        'state'              => 1,
                        'created_user_id'                => 332, //DONT FORGET TO CHANGE THIS VALUE TO YOUR SITES ADMIN
                        'created_time'                   => $now
        $db     = JFactory::getDbo();
        $db->insertObject('#__user_notes', $userNote, 'id');