I need to create a class called Student that has three private fields: first name, last name, and GPA. Normally, you place a class constructor between the class name and the left bracket, like so: public class Student (firstName, lastName, gpa) {...}
My Student class has to implement the Comparable interface, so my class signature looks like this: public class Student implements Comparable<Student> {...}
In this situation, where does my constructor go?
When you are writing a class, the constructor is a method (or "like a method" depending on your semantics) inside the class. It is not the same as the class declaration.
// This is the class declaration, where the "implements" clause goes
public class Student implements Comparable<Student> {
// This is the constructor, which can take whatever parameters you want
public Student(String firstName, String lastName, float gpa) {
// This is the implementation of a method declared by the Comparable<Student> interface
public int compareTo(Student other) {