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JSON for OpenWeatherMap API

I am writing a simple one page weather app using the Openweathermap API, but I am encountering an issue looping through the nested JSON objects returned.

Here is a sample of the JSON:

    "country":"United States of America",
                "description":"few clouds",
                "description":"sky is clear",


I am able to successfully loop through the first set of values in obj.list but I get an undefined error when it reaches the $.each(obj.list[i].weather[i], function(key,value) loop.

How would I loop through the nested weather and temp objects, and why does my current code given me an undefined error? I have included the code and Firebug console log. Any help with be greatly appreciated.

jQuery loop function

$.each(obj.list, function(i) {
    $.each(obj.list[i], function(key,value) {

        if(typeof value == "object"){
            console.log(key + " is an Object!!");

                            console.log("What is i? " + i );

                            $.each(obj.list[i].weather[i], function(key,value) {
                                    console.log("weather object " + key + ": " + value );

            console.log("outer object " + key + ": " + value );

Firebug console log:

outer object dt: 1416499200
scripts.js (line 72)
temp is an Object!!
scripts.js (line 49)
outer object pressure: 1015.56
scripts.js (line 72)
outer object humidity: 58
scripts.js (line 72)
weather is an Object!!
scripts.js (line 49)
What is i? 0
scripts.js (line 59)
Object { id=801, main="Clouds", description="few clouds", more...}
scripts.js (line 60)
weather object id: 801
scripts.js (line 66)
weather object main: Clouds
scripts.js (line 66)
weather object description: few clouds
scripts.js (line 66)
weather object icon: 02d
scripts.js (line 66)
outer object speed: 9.07
scripts.js (line 72)
outer object deg: 212
scripts.js (line 72)
outer object clouds: 24
scripts.js (line 72)
scripts.js (line 103)
outer object dt: 1416585600
scripts.js (line 72)
temp is an Object!!
scripts.js (line 49)
outer object pressure: 1027.28
scripts.js (line 72)
outer object humidity: 50
scripts.js (line 72)
weather is an Object!!
scripts.js (line 49)
What is i? 1
scripts.js (line 59)


  • You're asking for only the ith element from each obj.list[i].weather list. You should loop over obj.list[i].weather, instead of asking for a single element from it. So, for obj.list[0], you ask only for obj.list[0].weather[0]. For obj.list[1], you ask only for obj.list[1].weather[1], which doesn't exist (that weather list only has a single object, at index 0).

    Your $.each(obj.list[i].weather[i], ...) loops over obj.list[i].weather[i], but you don't loop over obj.list[i].weather. You want something with two different looping variables, like obj.list[i].weather[j], not obj.list[i].weather[i].

        if(typeof value == "object"){
            console.log(key + " is an Object!!");
                    console.log("What is i? " + i );
                    $.each(obj.list[i].weather, function(j) {
                        $.each(obj.list[i].weather[j], function(key,value) {
                            console.log("weather object " + key + ": " + value );

    Here, we add a loop over obj.list[i].weather with the inner loping variable j so that we get all of the items in each weather list, instead of only one..