I am using the reverse geocoding API (client side) to turn lat, long coordinates into street addresses. These lat longs are taken directly from a draggable marker on the map, so they have many decimal places of information.
If I put it in San Francisco, for example, I drag the marker and send the { lat, lng } pair to the API. I get back something very general like "San Francisco, CA"
or at best "South of Market, San Francisco, CA, USA"
I know google has street information in this area because I can use the forward geocoding API perfectly.
Is there any parameter I might be missing that would cause this? Here is my code:
maps.reverseGeocode = function(pos, callback) {
latLng: pos,
bounds: maps.map.getBounds()
}, function(results, status) {
if (status == google.maps.GeocoderStatus.OK) {
console.log("Reverse Geocode:", results);
} else {
console.log('Could not geocode: ' + status);
Where pos is taken directly from the map marker object.
Figured this out pretty quickly. It was because I was including the bounds
parameter in the request. Removing bounds
gives me highly accurate results. I am now only using bounds
in forward geocoding.