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jQuery opacity on scroll and start on load

I've been struggling with this snippet, it does exactly what i'm looking but inverted; it goes from 1 opacity to 0 and i want it to go from 0.75 to 1.

Also as you can see on the fiddle the number appears only when you start scrolling, i want the number to appear even if theres no scrolling at all (onload).


Any suggestions?



  • // 1px scroll or less will equiv to 1 opacity
    var fadeStart  = 1,
        // 400px scroll or more will equiv to 0 opacity
        fadeUntil  = 400,
        fading     = $('#fading');
    $(window).bind('scroll', function(){
        var offset = $(document).scrollTop(),
            opacity = 0.75;
        if (offset <= fadeUntil) {
            opacity = 0.75 + offset / fadeUntil;

    Also put .75 as default opacity on css. And learn some math.