I require to share all person's google calendar in company.
Before this I have studied Google api v2 and its possible to get event from calendar if I have private URL.
But since its depricated now, I am thinking to develop this using api v3. I am studying the code but not finding any method to that can give me events using private URL in it.
is it possible in api v3?
According to tutorial I need to get api activated from user. I want to manage minimum from user side.
we are using Google Apps at our company. Which can be suitable solution ?
The method for this is events#list
, there are some examples on the documentation page.
To avoid having the user authenticating, you should use a service account. You didn't mention the programming language, but there's a PHP example here.
To access a private calendar from Google Apps you have to give permissions to he service account as described here.