I am trying to 'purify' some of my Clojure functions. I would like to get to a point where all my side-effecting code is explicitly declared in one function. It's easy to get some data at the start and to write it to a db at the end and just have a pure function transforming in between. However, the usual situation is that the transformation function requires another DB read somewhere in the middle of the logic:
(defn transform-users
(let [ids (map :id users)
profiles (db/read :profiles ids)]
(profiles->something profiles)))
(->> (db/read :users)
(db/write :something)
Obviously this is a very simple example but the point is, how do I get the side-effecting db/read
function out of there, how can I make transform-users
pure (and as a benefit, easily testable)?
One thing you could do here would be a dependency-injection-like approach of supplying the (potentially) side-effectful function as an optional parameter, e.g.:
(defn transform-users
[users & {:keys [ids->profiles]
:or {ids->profiles #(db/read :profiles %)}]
(let [ids (map :id users)
profiles (ids->profiles ids)]
(profiles->something profiles)))
This should be easily testable since you can mock the injected functions without a lot of effort. And as a bonus, by supplying the default value, you're documenting what you're expecting and making the function convenient to call.