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How can I tell if AUCTeX is available?

I have a package which has various features that depend on AUCTeX. As it stands, it requires hand-configuration:

(defvar AucTeX-used nil)

(if AucTeX-used
    (require 'tex-site)
    (require 'latex))
  (require 'latex-mode)
  (setq TeX-command-list nil))

Is there a way to find out whether AUCTeX is available on the machine, to avoid having to set AucTeX-Used by hand?

(I'm using GNU Emacs 23.1.1 for Max OS X).


  • You can use the locate-library function and do this:

    (if (locate-library "auctex")
        (require 'tex-site)
        (require 'latex))
      (require 'latex-mode)
      (setq TeX-command-list nil))