Hmmm .. in some cases I have an Object which needs to do operations on a hazelcast instance. So I implemented the HazelcastInstanceAware interface but this seems not to work with nested classes ...
The following core outputs "null" to the console:
public class NullError implements Serializable, HazelcastInstanceAware { private transient HazelcastInstance instance1; private transient HazelcastInstance instance2;
public static void main(String[] args) throws Exception {
//new NullError().test();
new NullError().lala();
private void lala() throws Exception {
instance1 = Hazelcast.newHazelcastInstance();
instance2 = Hazelcast.newHazelcastInstance();
IMap<Object, Object> foo = instance1.getMap("foo");
foo.put("foo", new Foo(instance1));
((Callable) instance2.getMap("foo").get("foo")).call();
public static class Foo implements Serializable, Callable {
public Bar bar;
public Foo(HazelcastInstance instance) {
bar = new Bar(instance);
public Object call() throws Exception {
public static class Bar implements Callable, Serializable, HazelcastInstanceAware {
private transient HazelcastInstance i;
public Bar(HazelcastInstance instance) {
this.i = instance;
public void setHazelcastInstance(HazelcastInstance instance) {
this.i = instance;
public Object call() throws Exception {
return null;
The documentation does not mention HazelcastInstanceAware only be applied to the root object .. any Ideas? Is this a Bug?
The HazelcastInstanceAware only works on the root object to be deserialized. We don't look into an object graph for instances that are implementing this interface.