I'm struggling to access this json code below. Every json value I've previously seen is something like this:
var hold = { name: 'alex', job: 'realtor'}
So to access the name I would do something like hold.name. But my json data looks like this
"count": "80",
"countTxt":"Buyer logins",
"participantsTxt":"Total for all participating member companies:",
"count": "233",
"participantsTxt":"Total for all participating member companies:",
"count": "533",
"countTxt":"Views of our member pages",
"participantsTxt":"Total for all participating member companies:",
"count": "80",
"countTxt":"Total vists",
"participantsTxt":"Total for all participating member companies:",
"count": "53",
"countTxt":"Unique visitors",
"participantsTxt":"Total for all participating member companies:",
"count": "1:12 min",
"countTxt":"Total time spent on page",
"participantsTxt":"Total for all participating member companies:",
"participantCount":"784.2 mins"
The data is nested and it has no name so I don't know how to access. I know the question seems somewhat rudimental but I haven't seen any examples parse code that looks like this. It's always a more simple example like the one above. My .getjson code looks like this ...
var requestURL = 'assets/js/stats.json';
$.getJSON(requestURL, function(data){
$.each(data, function(key, value) {
$('body').append($('<div>' + data[0].name, {
My console is returning two objects that look like this
Array[3], Array[3]] Array[3]:
Array[3] [Array[3], Array[3]]
So I know it's getting data back I just need to be able to pick what I want a append it to the DOM. I've tried ten different variations but nothing works. Please help!?
You just need to iterate one more time inside first iteration. You have one array that holds array of objects. So try something like this
$.each(data, function(key, val) {
$.each(val, function(key, value) {