I'm using the binary xor operator ^ with 2 variables like this :
var v1 = 0;
var v2 = 3834034524;
var result = v1 ^ v2;
The result is -460932772. Have you an idea why ?
Thank you
, as a 32bit unsigned integer is hex E486B95C
or binary 11100100100001101011100101011100
. Notice that the most significant (leftmost) bit is set. This is the sign bit on 32bit signed integers.
There, that bit pattern translates to decimal -460932772
. The XOR operation is forcing the result into signed integers.
Additional info: a 32bit signed integer can handle values from -2147483648 to +2147483647 (which your original value exceeded and it thus wrapped around). 32bit unsigned integers handle values from 0 to +4294967295. JavaScript is a dynamically typed language and the values may change types as needed. The number may become a floating point value, or bitwise operations may turn it into an integer, or it could become a string. There are some ways to use specific datatypes in recent versions of JavaScript, but this is not something you'd do with simple calculations.