Hello I was just wondering how to auto increment count for each item in the shopping cart. How to auto increment for each item in cart so if theres two products product 1 will be [0] and product 2 will be [1]
This is the outcome I am after...
Specific problem...(because I am hard coding the 0. Need to know how to auto-increment for each item in cart starting from 0.
//for each product in the cart get the following
for($i=0;$i<$max;$i++){ //for each product in the cart get the following
$pid=$_SESSION['cart'][$i]['productID']; //productID
$sql="SELECT * FROM products_dimensions WHERE productID=$pid";
$result = mysqli_query($con, $sql) or die(mysqli_error($con)); //run the query
while ($row = mysqli_fetch_array($result)){
/* Dimensions */
$width = $row['width'];
$height = $row['height'];
$depth = $row['depth'];
$weight = $row['weight'];
$type = $row['type'];
$ego_params .= "&width[0]=$width";
$ego_params .= "&height[0]=$height";
$ego_params .= "&depth[0]=$depth";
$ego_params .= "&weight[0]=$weight";
$ego_params .= "&type[0]=$type";
$ego_params .= "&items[0]=$quantity";
Heres my code for my hole page..
include "../includes/connect.php";
$calculator_url = "http://www.e-go.com.au/calculatorAPI2";
/* from/to postcodes */
$pickuppostcode = 4508;
$pickupsuburb = urlencode('DECEPTION BAY');
//To Destination
$deliverypostcode = $_POST['postCode'];
$deliverysuburb = urlencode(strtoupper($_POST['suburb']));
$ego_params = "?pickuppostcode=$pickuppostcode&pickupsuburb=$pickupsuburb";
$ego_params .= "&deliverypostcode=$deliverypostcode&deliverysuburb=$deliverysuburb";
//for each product in the cart get the following
for($i=0;$i<$max;$i++){ //for each product in the cart get the following
$pid=$_SESSION['cart'][$i]['productID']; //productID
$sql="SELECT * FROM products_dimensions WHERE productID=$pid";
$result = mysqli_query($con, $sql) or die(mysqli_error($con)); //run the query
while ($row = mysqli_fetch_array($result))
/* Dimensions */
$width = $row['width'];
$height = $row['height'];
$depth = $row['depth'];
$weight = $row['weight'];
$type = $row['type'];
$quantity=$_SESSION['cart'][$i]['qty']; //quantity
$ego_params .= "&width[0]=$width";
$ego_params .= "&height[0]=$height";
$ego_params .= "&depth[0]=$depth";
$ego_params .= "&weight[0]=$weight";
$ego_params .= "&type[0]=$type";
$ego_params .= "&items[0]=$quantity";
$ego_quote = file($calculator_url . $ego_params);
foreach ($ego_quote as $num=>$quote) {
$quote = trim($quote);
$quote_field = explode("=", $quote);
echo "Field=" . $quote_field[0] . "\tValue=" . $quote_field[1] . "\n";
$_SESSION['quote'] = $quote;
echo $ego_params;
//header ("location: ../pages/shoppingcart.php");
Why "&width[0]=$width"
? try "&width[$i]=$width"