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Printing to System and to PrintWriter

I have just over 100 lines of data and statistics that I need to print. I'm using:

PrintWriter p = new PrintWriter(fileName);

The reason why it's about 100 lines is because I need to print to both the System and the file (about 50 lines each). Is there any shorter way to print and "prettify" up my code?

System.out.println("Prints Stats"); //To System
p.println("Prints Stats"); //To File

For every line printed to the System, there is an exact same line that is printed to the file. Is there a way to combine the two or to make it shorter? Or am I just stuck with this "ugly", long pile of prints?


  • There are several ways to do this.

    Using a StringBuilder

    If you are not writing tons of text, you could use a StringBuilder to create your output by appending to it, inserting stuff inside it etc., and once it's ready, print it to both p and System.out.

    StringBuilder b = new StringBuilder();
    b.append("Name: ").append("Susan").append("\n");
    // Append more stuff to b, also insert and delete from it if you want.

    Writing your own println()

    If you're using just the println() method, you could write your own method that calls it for both writers:

    private void println( String s ) {

    That is, assuming p is a field and not a local variable.

    Using format

    Instead of using println() you could use the printf() or format() methods. The first parameter is a formatting string, and you can format several lines within one print using a format string. For example:

    System.out.printf( "Name: %s%nSurname: %s%nAge: %d%n", "Susan", "Carter", 30 );

    Would print

    Name: Susan
    Surname: Carter
    Age: 30

    And by using the same format string you can use two printfs to save on many printlns:

    String formatString = "Name: %s%nSurname: %s%nAge: %d%n";
    Object[] arguments = { "Susan", "Carter", 30 );
    p.printf( formatString, arguments );
    System.out.printf( formatString, arguments );

    This would print the above three-line output to your file and then to your System output.