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WS.url fails when proxy options are set in Play Framework 2.2.x

I am using WS to make a REST call to a server behind a proxy that required.

I tried to set proxyserver and port in application.conf and as JVM arg when I launch the application. But I keep getting "Error Code: 407 Proxy Authentication Required".

I tried to set ws.useProxyProperties at false and true, but it still doesn't work. I saw that it is a common problem, but no workaround has been published.

Do you have any idea?



  • I managed to resolve this issue by using the dependancy

    "com.ning" % "async-http-client" % "1.8.14"

    And changing my code to

    AsyncHttpClientConfig cf = new AsyncHttpClientConfig.Builder().setProxyServer(new 
    ProxyServer(host, port, user, pwd)).build();
    c = new AsyncHttpClient(cf);
    AsyncHttpClient.BoundRequestBuilder req = c.prepareGet("");
    // and many other parameters ...