:: UPDATE 2 ::
This is my current template,
<script type="text/template" id="TimesheetData">
<form action="#" method="post" id="TimesheetDataList">
<% if(Timesheetrow.jobtitle) { %>
<div class="TimesheetRowData">
<input type="hidden" name="data[Timesheetrow][0][id]" value="<%= Timesheetrow.id %>">
<input type="type" name="data[Timesheetrow][0][jobtitle]" value="<%= Timesheetrow.jobtitle %>">
<% }; %>
And each jobtitle, is in its own form, not one form (which is what I need) but lots of form tags, each one having one of my job titles
:: UPDATE ::
This is now what my model is
var TimeSheetRowModel = Backbone.Model.extend({
defaults: {
Timesheetrow: "",
Client: "",
Customer: ""
ok, I have most of this working, but for some reason I can not clear out a RefernceError in my console log. However I do (think) I know way its there but not sure how to sort it out.
So my Backbone code :
var TimeSheetRowModel = Backbone.Model.extend({});
var TimeSheetRowCol = Backbone.Collection.extend({
model: TimeSheetRowModel,
url: '/dashboard/jsondata/' + GetTimesheetID
var NewTimeSheetCollection = new TimeSheetRowCol(); //New Instance Of Collecttion
var TimeSheetView = Backbone.View.extend({
el:'#testarea', //HTML loading area for the data
template: _.template( $('#Timesheet-Data').html() ), //Template to load the JSON data into
initialize: function(){
this.listenTo(NewTimeSheetCollection, "add", this.AddMyModel);
AddMyModel: function(TimeSheetRowModel) { //apply model data to view template and append to view element
//console.log( this.$el.append(this.template(TimeSheetRowModel.toJSON()[0])) );
var NewTimeSheetVew = new TimeSheetView(); //New Instance Of The View
NewTimeSheetVew.render(); //Render Out The View Instance
And my Underscore code :
<script type="text/template" id="Timesheet-Data">
<%= console.log(Client) %>
Now this does console log all my client data, without any problems and I can also each / print this data into my 'testarea' div.
However in my console log I get,
Uncaught ReferenceError: Client is not defined
Now from what I have read, this seems to be because I am trying to access as an object (?) and toJSON returns a string - please correct my understand if I have that wrong?
But what I do not understand, is if I am returning the wrong type of output, how can I still access the data? and how should I deal with it, how can I make my toJSON return a object?
Do you have that "Client" property in you model?
var TimeSheetRowModel = Backbone.Model.extend({
Client: ""// some value
Then only you can access the property in view using underscore.