I have table named 'Allocated_Stock', this table is as follows:
Create Table Allocated_Stock (Store_Id string not null,Item_Id string not null,
Vehicle_Id string not null, AllocatedDate date not null,Item_Qty decimal not null,
PRIMARY KEY (Store_Id, Item_Id),
FOREIGN KEY (Store_Id) REFERENCES Store (Store_Id),
FOREIGN KEY (Vehicle_Id) REFERENCES Vehicle (Vehicle_Id));
And when I update I use
String where = "Store_Id='ST001' And Item_Id = 'IM001' And Vehicle_Id = 'V0001' And AllocatedDate = '2014-08-08'";
ContentValues newValues = new ContentValues();
newValues.put(Store_Id, "S001");
newValues.put(Item_Id, "I001");
newValues.put(Vehicle_Id, "V001");
newValues.put(AllocatedDate, "2014-08-08");
newValues.put(Item_Qty, 550);
DBSchema.obj.updateRecord(newValues, TableName, where)
the following is a different class
private DatabaseHelper myDBHelper; //which extends SqlLiteHelper
private SQLiteDatabase db;
myDBHelper = new DatabaseHelper(context);
db = myDBHelper.getWritableDatabase();
public boolean updateRecord(ContentValues Content, String TableName,String Where ) {
// Insert it into the database.
return db.update(TableName, Content, Where, null) != 0;
catch(Exception e){
System.out.println("GET SAMPLE VALUE"+e);
return false;
Whenever I try to update, I get an error, but firstly I couldn't catch the error. Second of all why is this happening?
SQLiteDatabase.update() returns number of rows affected. So, in your case, no rows were affected (most probably because of your WHERE clause)
int result = 0;
result = db.update("alarms", values, keyId+" = ? " ,new String[]{row});
Log.d("result", ""+result);
catch(Exception e)
SYstem.out.println("number of row affected :" + result );