I was using the Crypto++ library to do my arc4 encryption. Reference from here but not fully explained: http://www.cryptopp.com/wiki/Stream_Cipher.
The following is my code:
string key = "key";
string msg = "hello";
ARC4 arc4((byte*)key.c_str(), sizeof((byte*)key.c_str()));
arc4.ProcessData((byte*)msg.c_str(), (byte*)msg.c_str(), sizeof((byte*)msg.c_str()));
arc4.ProcessData((byte*)msg.c_str(), (byte*)msg.c_str(), sizeof((byte*)msg.c_str()));
cout << msg << endl;
My message after encrypt and decrypt which is totally garbage then i could not read. not decrypted back to "hello" in short.
So how can I encrypt and decrypt message with key as above?
Two problems. First, you need to use the string's size()
, and not sizeof()
. Second, you need to reset the arc4
object when decrypting. Otherwise, the cipher's state is continued from the previous encryption.
string key = "key";
string msg = "hello";
ARC4 arc4((byte*)key.data(), key.size());
arc4.ProcessData((byte*)msg.data(), (byte*)msg.data(), msg.size());
// Reset state
arc4.SetKey((byte*)key.data(), key.size());
arc4.ProcessData((byte*)msg.data(), (byte*)msg.data(), msg.size());
cout << msg << endl;