Hi I am trying to connect to gmail using ImapX library in C#. But getting error like this No connection could be made because the target machine actively refused it while creating TcpClient (inside ImapX). I browse few same questions on stackoverflow but none was helpful to me.
Here is my code.
static void Main(string[] args)
var client = new ImapClient("imap.gmail.com",993, true);
client.SslProtocol = System.Security.Authentication.SslProtocols.Ssl2;
client.UseSsl = true;
if (client.Connect()) // This method creates new instance of TcpClient which throws error so returning false from catch block method has been described below.
if (client.Login("example@gmail.com", "example123"))
// login successful
Console.WriteLine("Connection Successful...!");
Console.WriteLine("Connection UnSuccessful...!");
// connection not successful
Here is Client method in ImapX library.
public bool Connect(string host, int port, SslProtocols sslProtocol = SslProtocols.None,
bool validateServerCertificate = true)
_host = host;
_port = port;
_sslProtocol = sslProtocol;
_validateServerCertificate = validateServerCertificate;
if (IsConnected)
throw new InvalidStateException("The client is already connected. Please disconnect first.");
_client = new TcpClient(_host, _port);
if (_sslProtocol == SslProtocols.None)
_ioStream = _client.GetStream();
_streamReader = new StreamReader(_ioStream);
_ioStream = new SslStream(_client.GetStream(), false, CertificateValidationCallback, null);
(_ioStream as SslStream).AuthenticateAsClient(_host, null, _sslProtocol, false);
_streamReader = new StreamReader(_ioStream);
string result = _streamReader.ReadLine();
_lastActivity = DateTime.Now;
if (result != null && result.StartsWith(ResponseType.ServerOk))
return true;
else if (result != null && result.StartsWith(ResponseType.ServerPreAuth))
IsAuthenticated = true;
return true;
return false;
catch (Exception)
return false;
if (!IsConnected)
Thanks in advance.
When you're using ImapX with GMail, the following code is enough to establish the connection:
var client = new ImapClient("imap.gmail.com", true);
if (client.Connect()) {
// ...
It will use SSL with the standard 993 port. If you want to specify the SSL version manually, for GMail you need to use SslProtocols.Default
, which is equivalent to SslProtocols.Ssl3 | SslProtocols.Tls