I have written the following function that returns an infinite list of 3-tuple members, (a, b, c) according to the definition of a Pythagorean triples: a^2 + b^2 = c^2. I need to be able to check if a given tuple (a, b, c) is a valid Pythagorean triple. The way I do this is by generating an infinite list of tuples by means of the function and I pass this list to elem
along with the 3-tuple I want to check.
However, this does not terminate when it matches my 3-tuple to a member of the infinite list.
pythagoreanTriples::[(Integer, Integer, Integer)]
pythagoreanTriples = [(a, b, c) | a <- [2..], b <- [a+1..],
c <- [b+1..], a*a + b*b == c*c ]
main = do
print $ elem (30, 72, 78) (pythagoreanTriples)
I know the logic is correct, because I have tried modifying the above function to produce an finite list and the logic works very nicely:
pythagoreanTriples n = [(a, b, c) | a <- [2..n], b <- [a+1..n],
c <- [b+1..n], a*a + b*b == c*c ]
main = do
print $ elem (30, 72, 78) (pythagoreanTriples 100)
However, it must be done with an infinite list. Please suggest to me how I can make it work. Thanks.
Start with your finite code,
pythagoreanTriples n = [(a, b, c) | a <- [2..n], b <- [a+1..n],
c <- [b+1..n], a*a + b*b == c*c ]
and simply make it work for any n
from 1 and up:
pythagoreanTriples = [(a, b, c) | n <- [1..],
a <- [2..n], b <- [a+1..n],
c <- [b+1..n], a*a + b*b == c*c ]
(but this produces a lot of duplicates). I'd prefer to first fix the biggest, c
value, and then find the a
and b
such that a < b < c
, and the condition holds:
= [(a, b, c) | n <- [1..],
c <- [2..n], a <- [2..c-1],
b <- [a+1..c-1], a*a + b*b == c*c ]
but what do we need that n
for, now? We don't:
pythagoreanTriples = [(a, b, c) | c <- [2..], a <- [2..c-1],
b <- [a+1..c-1], a*a + b*b == c*c ]
So that
GHCi> take 20 pythagoreanTriples
(the case a==b
is impossible, because sqrt(2)
is an irrational number).