I generate the ZeroC classes through my ice file. On it, there're two classes: the "Device" and DeviceServer class, which is just an array of the first one. That array is formed by DevicePrx but the trouble happens when I want to cast the first class in order to build the array. This is the Ice.Application for the Server:
public class Server extends Ice.Application {
public int run(String[] args) {
Ice.ObjectAdapter oa = communicator().createObjectAdapter("Servidor");
Ice.ObjectPrx prx1 = oa.add(new DeviceI("descripción", DeviceStatus.DEVICEON), Ice.Util.stringToIdentity("Device1"));
Ice.ObjectPrx prx2 = oa.add(new DeviceI("descripción2", DeviceStatus.DEVICEON), Ice.Util.stringToIdentity("Device2"));
DevicePrx [] oprx = new DevicePrx[2];
oprx[0] = (DevicePrxHelper) prx2;
DeviceServerI ds = new DeviceServerI(oprx);
System.out.println(communicator().proxyToString(prx1) + " \n"+communicator().proxyToString(prx2));
return 0;
That cast doesn't work. When I execute the class, it shows this error:
!! 15/11/14 11:58:37:119 Servidor: error: main: unknown exception: java.lang.ClassCastException: Ice.ObjectPrxHelperBase cannot be cast to ITSUE.DevicePrxHelper at Server.run(Server.java:13) at Ice.Application.doMain(Application.java:214) at Ice.Application.main(Application.java:194) at Ice.Application.main(Application.java:71) at Server.main(Server.java:26)
The question is: How can I cast the Device Object to build the array??
ICE file:
module ITSUE {
enum DeviceStatus {
class Device {
["private"] string description;
["private"] DeviceStatus status;
void setStatus(DeviceStatus ns);
DeviceStatus getStatus();
string getDescription();
void on();
void off();
sequence<Device *> DeviceSeq;
class DeviceServer {
["private"] DeviceSeq devices;
DeviceSeq listDevices();
Thank you very much!
I solve my question by my own. If anyone has the same problem, you have to cast using checkedCast or uncheckedCast method from the class XXXXPrxHelper. In my case: DevicePrxHelper.checkedCast()