So this is a part of greasemonkey userscript. It's an adviser for an online game. At the end of it i've got this:
function do_login() {
// var loc = reg2.exec(document.location.href);
//Auto backing to login page
if ("logout") != -1) {
window.setTimeout(function () {
document.location.href = "http://www" + gamepage;
}, 100);
else {
try {
var logindata = explode(GM_getValue("logindata", "[]"));
catch (err) {
var logindata = new Array;
$("login_div").style.zIndex = "20";
$("login_div").getElementsByClassName("kh_btn")[0].addEventListener("click", function () {
var currServer = $("l_server").value;
var currUser = $("l_loginname").value.toLowerCase();
GM_setValue(lng + "_" + currServer + "_username", currUser);
}, false);
function submit_login(currUserNr) {
$("l_server").value = logindata[currUserNr][1];
$("l_loginname").value = logindata[currUserNr][2];
$("l_password").value = logindata[currUserNr][3];
var newdiv = createElement("div", {style: "position:absolute;top:0px;left:0px;width:412px;padding:10px;background-color:#999;-moz-border-radius:10px;"}, $("login_div"));
for (var v = 0; v < logindata.length; v++) if (logindata[v][1] != "0") {
var newbutton = createElement("button", {type: "button", class: "cursorclickable", id: "autologin" + v, style: "width:200px;height:20px;margin:3px;"}, newdiv, texte["server"] + " " + logindata[v][1] + "." + logindata[v][0] + ": " + logindata[v][2]);
newbutton.addEventListener("click", function () {
submit_login("autologin", ""));
}, false);
newdiv = null;
newbutton = null;
It's executed when script finds "logout" in the url.
Now, everything works, it's entering main-page, creating a button, the button itself works, but now i would like to execute "onlick" automatically.
You could select the element and then invoke the .click()