In wicket form I have a DropDownChoice, and I want to take a selected value in it. I have:
private final List<DimSpecific> specificList;
private DimSpecific specificPtr = null;
specificList = roles.getSpecificList();
specificPtr = new DimSpecific();
DropDownChoice specific = new DropDownChoice("specific", new Model<>(specificPtr), specificList, new ChoiceRenderer<DimSpecific>("code", "id"));
Form form = new Form("frm_0_07"){
protected void onSubmit() {
String specificSelected = specificPtr.getCode();
And the variable specificSelected
equals to null
. How I can get selected value?
Have you added DropdownChoice to the form?
The model object you pass in will be updated - not the object itself. In your case it is an unassigned variable (new Model<>(specificPtr)) so you can't read from it.
Try this:
private final List<DimSpecific> specificList;
private DimSpecific specificPtr = new DimSpecific(); // or init to some default value
private IModel<DimSpecific> dropdownModel = new PropertyModel<DimSpecific>(this, "specficicPtr");
specificList = roles.getSpecificList();
DropDownChoice specific = new DropDownChoice("specific", dropdownModel , specificList, new ChoiceRenderer<DimSpecific>("code", "id"));
Form form = new Form("frm_0_07"){
protected void onSubmit() {
String specificSelected = dropdownModel.getObject();
This will also make the specificPtr equal to the selected value - the reason is that PropertyModel tells the dropdownchoice where to setObject() for the selected dropdown on submit - into specificPtr.