Search code examples

jqgrid multiselect filter issue with grid refresh

I was checking the demo to implement Multiselect filtering in my project.

It is a nice demo indeed but has some issues with it. Select a filter and hit the refresh button then filters are not resetting. And after that it will starts malfunctioning.

Select a filter:

Select a filter

After hitting refresh:

Filters are not resetting After hitting refresh

Now unchecked the filter:

enter image description here Got empty grid. Now unchecked the filter

How can I fix these issues? Any Idea.


  • Thank you for the bug report! There are a bug in clearToolbar in the lines of the code. I will report the bug later to trirand.

    To fix the problem one have to use beforeClear callback of filterToolbar:

    beforeClear: function () {
            .find(".ui-search-toolbar .ui-search-input>select[multiple] option")
            .each(function () {
                // unselect all options in <select>
                this.selected = false; 
            .find(".ui-search-toolbar button.ui-multiselect")
            .each(function () {
                // synchronize jQuery UI Multiselect with <select>
            width: "98%",
            marginTop: "1px",
            marginBottom: "1px",
            paddingTop: "3px"

    The demo demonstrates the workaround. If the bug in jqGrid will be solved then one could remove the first tree lines from the beforeClear callback like in the demo.