This code is from I did a minor change, see below.
import Mouse
import Window
import Random
main : Signal Element
main = lift2 scene Window.dimensions clickLocations
-- for a good time, remove "sampleOn Mouse.clicks" ;)
clickLocations : Signal [(Int,Int)]
clickLocations = foldp (::) [] (sampleOn Mouse.clicks Mouse.position)
scene : (Int,Int) -> [(Int,Int)] -> Element
scene (w,h) locs =
let p = Random.float (fps 25)
drawPentagon p (x,y) =
ngon 5 20 |> filled (hsla p 0.9 0.6 0.7)
|> move (toFloat x - toFloat w / 2, toFloat h / 2 - toFloat y)
|> rotate (toFloat x)
in layers [ collage w h (map (drawPentagon <~ p) locs) // I want to change different color each time, error here!
, plainText "Click to stamp a pentagon." ]
How can I pass a signal when using map function?
In your code, you have drawPentagon <~ p
which has the type Signal ((Int, Int) -> Form)
The type of map is map : (a -> b) -> [a] -> [b]
which is causing the type error. It is basically saying, that map
is expecting a function a -> b
but you've given it a Signal ((Int, Int) -> From)
One way to try and accomplish what you're doing is to make p
a parameter of scene
and use lift3
to pass in Random.float (fps 25)
. So, you would end up with this:
import Mouse
import Window
import Random
main : Signal Element
main = lift3 scene Window.dimensions clickLocations (Random.float (fps 25))
-- for a good time, remove "sampleOn Mouse.clicks" ;)
clickLocations : Signal [(Int,Int)]
clickLocations = foldp (::) [] (sampleOn Mouse.clicks Mouse.position)
scene : (Int,Int) -> [(Int,Int)] -> Float -> Element
scene (w,h) locs p =
let drawPentagon p (x,y) =
ngon 5 20 |> filled (hsla p 0.9 0.6 0.7)
|> move (toFloat x - toFloat w / 2, toFloat h / 2 - toFloat y)
|> rotate (toFloat x)
in layers [ collage w h (map (drawPentagon p) locs)
, plainText "Click to stamp a pentagon." ]
Is this what you were trying to do?