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h:panelGrid run action after clicking into blank space

When I click somewhere inside my panelGrid, it runs action from my commandButton which is inside as well. Whole accordionPanel is inside h:form ..


    <p:accordionPanel value="#{test.getAllTests()}" var="currentTest" activeIndex="false">   
        <p:tab title="#{}">
        <h:panelGrid columns="2" cellpadding="10">
            <p:graphicImage value="resources/img/testIT/#{currentTest.imageSrc}" width="100" height="100" />
                <p:commandButton value="Zvolit test" styleClass="testChoseButton" actionListener="#{test.setSelectedTest(currentTest)}" action="testProgress.xhtml" />
                <p:spacer height="5px" width="20px" style="float: right;" />
                <p:button value="Statistika testu" styleClass="testChoseButton" />


    public void setSelectedTest(Test selectedTest) {
    this.selectedTest = selectedTest;
    System.err.println("Selected test: " + selectedTest.getId() + " - " + selectedTest.getName());


I do not know what more you could need guys. Thnx for help.


  • You're misusing p:outputLabel, it generates a HTML <label> element which is not what you want. I'd think both these will work:

    • p:outputPanel
    • h:panelGroup

    They can both produce a HTML span or a div based on the layout attribute.

    I'd take <h:panelGroup> which is meant for exactly this kind of grouping.