I use float : Signal a -> Signal Float
to generate random number.
I want to compare this generated number with a Float
, how can I do that?
main = lift asText ((Random.float (fps 24)) < 0.3)
This is wrong, error message:
(Random.float (fps 24)) < 0.3
Expected Type: Bool
Actual Type: Signal.Signal a
The best way to debug this type of thing is to follow the types. Break every part into a separate piece, examine the types and resolve the type error.
We have a few things here:
lift : (a -> b) -> Signal a -> Signal b
asText : a -> Element
Random.float : Signal a -> Signal Float
fps : number -> Signal Time
(<) : number -> number -> Bool
Okay, so let's start plugigng in values and resolving the types:
fps 24 : Signal Time
Random.float (fps 24) : Signal Float
(Random.float (fps 24)) < 0.3 : ???
This is where our type error is coming from. We are trying to pass in a Signal but the (<)
operator only accepts number
. So, what we actually want is a function that compares the value in our Signal
to see if it is < 0.3
foo : Float -> Bool
foo n = n < 0.3
Now, we can lift foo
and pass the signal into it:
lift foo (Random.float (fps 24))
And then plug it back into our original expression:
main = list asText (lift foo (Random.float (fps 24)))
Now, all of the types resolve.
Hope this helps!