When I call the array of cards to be used in my shuffle method, it works like a charm:
Card [ ] cards = new Card[52]; //I create my array here, outside of any method
Random rnGen = new Random( );
public Deck( ) //Here is where I declare all the values for my array elements
cards[0] = new Card(11,"ACE","CLUB");
cards[1] = new Card(2,"TWO","CLUB");
cards[2] = new Card(3, "3", "CLUB");
cards[3] = new Card(4, "4", "CLUB");
cards[4] = new Card(5, "5", "CLUB");
... //52 statements declaring every single card.
public void shuffle( ) //This method is able to draw
{ //from the array with no problems
Card temp = new Card( );
for(int k = 0; k < 7000; k++;
f = rnGen.nextInt(52);
s = rnGen.nextInt(52);
temp = cards[f]; //Calling in elements from array
cards[f] = cards[s]; //and it works
cards[s] = temp;
But then the problem arises when I try to call in the top element from the array:
public Card getTopCard( )
Card top = new Card( );
top = card[0]; //This is the line that has the error
return top;
The error states: "array required, but Card found"
Why can my shuffle() method access my array no problem, but my topcard() method cannot? I haven't done anything different, my array was still declared in another part of the class.
If you can enlighten me as to why this is the case I would be very appreciative because I actually want to understand why this is an error.
You define your card array as:
Card [ ] cards = new Card[52];
But later you want to access:
top = card[0];
I don't know what card is supposed to be, but I do believe you want to access cards
rather than card