i tried to create a if statement but don't work, if found isbn book in jtable, show message "book" delete" else "book" don't found. it's possible?
private void elimina_libroActionPerformed(java.awt.event.ActionEvent evt) {
Connection conn = Connessione.ConnecrDb();
Statement stmt = null;
ResultSet emps = null;
boolean found = false;
found= true;
String sql= "DELETE FROM progetto.libro WHERE isbn =?";
pst=(OraclePreparedStatement) conn.prepareStatement(sql);
pst.setString (1, txt_isbn.getText());
if (!found)
JOptionPane.showMessageDialog(null, "LIBRO ELIMINATO");
JOptionPane.showMessageDialog(null, "BOOK NOT FOUND","ERRORE",jOptionPane.WARNING_MESSAGE);
catch (Exception e)
but don't work, can you help me? thanks
i change code with this
Connection conn = Connessione.ConnecrDb();
Statement stmt = null;
ResultSet emps = null;
String sql= "DELETE FROM progetto.libro WHERE isbn =?";
pst=(OraclePreparedStatement) (PreparedStatement) conn.prepareStatement(sql);
pst.setString (1, txt_isbn.getText());
int deleted = pst.executeUpdate();
if (deleted == 0) {
JOptionPane.showMessageDialog(null, "LIBRO ELIMINATO");
JOptionPane.showMessageDialog(null, "LIBRO NON TROVATO");
catch (Exception e)
but if i insert a incorrect isbn the message is: "book delete", if i insert a correct isbn the message is "book not found" and if i insert again correct isbn the message is "book delete" and the book delete from databae.
pst=(PreparedStatement) conn.prepareStatement(sql);
pst.setString (1, txt_isbn.getText());
int deleted = pst.executeUpdate();
if (deleted == 0) {
int executeUpdate() throws SQLException
Executes the SQL statement in this PreparedStatement object, which must be an SQL Data Manipulation Language (DML) statement, such as INSERT, UPDATE or DELETE; or an SQL statement that returns nothing, such as a DDL statement.
Returns: either (1) the row count for SQL Data Manipulation Language (DML) statements or (2) 0 for SQL statements that return nothing