I'm trying to wire up a Context menu to a JSON data source, but I can't seem to set a template.
If I have a datasource like this (as specified in the docs)
var dataSource = [{
text: "hello",
imageUrl: "pencil_icon.png",
content: "I'm on the side"
all is fine and dandy (It's using some default template I imagine)
However, If I try to use my own template, everything is undefined.
<script type="text/x-kendo-template" id="contextMenuTemplate">
<li data-action="#=onClickJavascript#"><img src="@Web_Helpers.StratosphereImageUrl("#=image#")" /> #=text#</li>
var dataSource = [{
text: "bonjour",
image: "@@Pencil_Icon",
onClickJavascript: "alert('hello');"
var menu = $("#contextMenu").kendoContextMenu({
template: kendo.template($("#contextMenuTemplate").html()),
dataSource: dataSource,
How can I use a template with Kendo Context Menu?
You can push HTML to the text
property of the context menu
$.each(data, function (key, value) {
text: '<span data-action="' + value.OnClickJavascript + '">' + value.Text + '</span>',
encoded: false,
imageUrl: st.SharedContextMenuCommon.StratosphereGlobalImageUrl + value.Image