The first time that we load the requirejs module the observables from my view model seems not to being updated. But when you comment $("#ddl").select2();
everything works fine.
'paths': {
'jquery': '//',
'ko': '//',
'select2': '//',
'shim': {
'select2': {
deps: ['jquery'],
exports: '$.select2'
define('simpleKo', ['jquery', 'ko', 'domReady', 'select2'],
function ($, ko, domReady) {
var simpleViewModel = function () {
var self = this; = ko.observable();
self.names = ko.observableArray(['John', 'Tim', 'Mike', 'Jay']);
domReady(function () {
ko.applyBindings(new simpleViewModel());
width: 'resolve'
There is a live exemple on JSFiddle that fails when you first open the link without cache.
I've already tried everything, anyone have ideas to what may be happening?
A much easier way is tell to RequireJS that KnockoutJS depends of select2, even though it's not truth.
'shim': {
'select2': {
deps: ['jquery'],
exports: '$.select2'
'ko' : {
deps: ['select2']