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Display of KML in Cesium

I want to display the KML from Cesium.

the source kml can read I was looking for from the following Github.

build and run Cesium.

However, I do not know. How may be specified as in the kml.

What should be written after the following?

 var viewer = new Cesium.Viewer('cesiumContainer');


  • There are a few different ways to load KML data, the easiest is by passing it a url to the KML or KMZ file you would like to read:

    var kmlDataSource = new Cesium.KmlDataSource();

    You can't read local files this way, that path needs to be on the server, but if you would like to be able to drag & drop KML or KMZ files into your app, you can enable that by calling


    Finally, about 30 seconds ago I just added the ability to construct a KmlDataSource and load a url at the same time. If you sync up to the head of the branch you can do it in one line.
