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GXT: BorderLayout style split bar

How can I style the split bar? I want to apply a different color for the split bar of a border layout. I'm using gxt-3.x


  • I think that you could look at this CSS rules:

    .x-layout-split { ... }
    .ext-strict .ext-ie6 .x-layout-split { ... }
    .x-layout-split-h { ... }
    .x-layout-split-v { ... }
    .x-layout-split-west .x-layout-mini { ... }
    .x-layout-split-east .x-layout-mini { ... }
    .x-layout-split-north .x-layout-mini { ... }
    .x-layout-split-south .x-layout-mini { ... }


    One of the options is add your own styles and override the defaults rules.

    SplitLayoutPanel splitLayoutPanel = new SplitLayoutPanel();
    splitLayoutPanel.setStyleName("x-layout-split-v-override", true);

    In the CSS file, add:

    .x-layout-split-v-override.x-layout-split-v-override {

    And so on.

    Another option: write your interface that extends ClientBundle, for example:

    public interface CommonCssBundle extends ClientBundle {
        public static final CommonCssBundle INSTANCE = GWT.create(CommonCssBundle.class);
        public CssResource css();

    In the entry point make this call:

    public void onModuleLoad() {

    Note, that you can always find out the names of the CSS rules by using Google Chrome or Firefox with Firebug.

    What yet - highly recommend reading this topic: Override GWT Styling