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Option issue using for first time user'savedItem', function (result) {

    //some if else condition for result.savedItem here
    myResult = result.savedItem;


With above code, I got an undefined, because there is no setting been saved in my options page for the first time user. I tried to set a default value to myResult like if(result.savedItem == undefined) myResult = ''; but I still got undefined. Why?


  • 2 issues at the same time.

    1) You can set default for values not in the storage by providing a dictionary:{'savedItem' : 'myDefault'}, function (result) {
      // result.savedItem is the saved value or 'myDefault'

    2) The biggest issue is not understanding how asynchronous code works.

    $('p').val(myResult); gets executed before myResult is assigned, because returns immediately, with the function(result){...} being called later.

    There have been tons of questions about that, take a look at, say, this and this.