So I want to create a jQuery spinner that increments when clicked but if its value is 0 (or any targeted value, but lets go with 0 ) I want it to display the word 'unlimited' instead of 0, and then when incremented start counting as if 0 was a number, so it will read: unlimited, 1,2,3,4, etc. Is there any way to do this? Ive found methods for counting through the alphabet and the like but changing one value to a string seems rather difficult. here is a fiddle of a basic spinner:
var spinner = $( "#spinner" ).spinner();
$( "#spinner" ).spinner({
min: -1,
max: 50,
One more version:
min: -1,
max: 50,
spin: function(e, ui) {
if (ui.value == 0) {
this.value = "unlimited"