Lets say that you have a kendo.data.DataSource. and you modify a row. and the row has become dirty. and now you want to compare if a specific column was changed before you save.
Does kendo.data.DataSource store the old value locally somewhere?
I suspect it does since it seems that you can call .cancelChanges() and .cancelRow() however i cant seem to find it.
I also suspect that you are not supposed to use it.
You are correct that you are not suppose to use this, but it is located in the Data Source.
The currently displayed data/dirty data to be submitted is stored in dataSource._data
The last saved value/non-dirty data is stored in dataSource._pristineData
The dirty flag is also stored in _data.
You can alternatively save out the current data with the get/set function kendo provides. The dataSource.data()
function. Update it with the same function dataSource.data(myNewData)