I want to select few values of the multiple select box options on click of another checkbox using jquery. This select box uses multiselect filter plugin.
<h3 class="accordion_head">
<a href="#">Company Region</a><span class="bg arrow"></span>
<div class="accordion_body">
<li><input id="companyRegion1" name="companyRegion" value="GCC" type="checkbox">
<label for="companyRegion1">GCC</label></li>
And the second select box I follows spring tag as below
<form:select path="${elementPath }" multiple="multiple" cssClass="multi_select">
<form:options items="${valueList}" itemLabel="${label}" itemValue="${itemVal }" />
So when clicking on the checkbox mentioned above I need to preselect GCC countries in the multiple select box. this is implemeted using multiselect jquery plugin
I have tried this way but it is not getting selected.
$('#companyCountries option[value=247]').prop('selected',true);
Please help.
I solved by calling the refresh as mentioned in the multi-select plugin site. I couldn't invoke by form name, so removed form name.
Thanks for the responses