I'm building a small SOAP Web Service using JAXWS-RT; I have a simple class that looks like this:
public class Task {
public String name;
public String context;
public String project;
public PriorityType priority;
public Task(String name, String context, String project, PriorityType priority) {
this.name = name;
this.context = context;
this.project = project;
this.priority = priority;
public String getName() {
return this.name;
public void setName(String name) {
this.name = name;
// ... etc (setters and getters)
and here's the method in my Web Service where I use this Task Class:
public Task addTask(String taskName, String taskContext, String taskProject, PriorityType taskPriority) {
ToDoList taskList = new ToDoList(); // some ToDoList class
taskList = // some method from which I get an existing To-Do List
// ADDING a Task to my To-Do List
Task task = new Task(taskName, taskContext, taskProject, taskPriority);
// Returning the created task as a result of calling this method
return task;
While compiling my code, I am getting this Exception output:
Exception in thread "main" com.sun.xml.ws.spi.db.DatabindingException: com.sun.xml.bind.v2.runtime.IllegalAnnotationsException: 4 counts of IllegalAnnotationExceptions
La clase tiene dos propiedades con el mismo nombre "context"
this problem is related to the following location:
at public java.lang.String bigws.todows.Task.getContext()
at bigws.todows.Task
at public bigws.todows.Task bigws.todows.jaxws.AddTaskResponse._return
at bigws.todows.jaxws.AddTaskResponse
this problem is related to the following location:
at public java.lang.String bigws.todows.Task.context
at bigws.todows.Task
at public bigws.todows.Task bigws.todows.jaxws.AddTaskResponse._return
at bigws.todows.jaxws.AddTaskResponse
La clase tiene dos propiedades con el mismo nombre "name"
this problem is related to the following location:
at public java.lang.String bigws.todows.Task.getName()
at bigws.todows.Task
at public bigws.todows.Task bigws.todows.jaxws.AddTaskResponse._return
at bigws.todows.jaxws.AddTaskResponse
this problem is related to the following location:
at public java.lang.String bigws.todows.Task.name
at bigws.todows.Task
at public bigws.todows.Task bigws.todows.jaxws.AddTaskResponse._return
at bigws.todows.jaxws.AddTaskResponse
La clase tiene dos propiedades con el mismo nombre "priority"
this problem is related to the following location:
at public bigws.todows.PriorityType bigws.todows.Task.getPriority()
at bigws.todows.Task
at public bigws.todows.Task bigws.todows.jaxws.AddTaskResponse._return
at bigws.todows.jaxws.AddTaskResponse
this problem is related to the following location:
at public bigws.todows.PriorityType bigws.todows.Task.priority
at bigws.todows.Task
at public bigws.todows.Task bigws.todows.jaxws.AddTaskResponse._return
at bigws.todows.jaxws.AddTaskResponse
La clase tiene dos propiedades con el mismo nombre "project"
this problem is related to the following location:
at public java.lang.String bigws.todows.Task.getProject()
at bigws.todows.Task
at public bigws.todows.Task bigws.todows.jaxws.AddTaskResponse._return
at bigws.todows.jaxws.AddTaskResponse
this problem is related to the following location:
at public java.lang.String bigws.todows.Task.project
at bigws.todows.Task
at public bigws.todows.Task bigws.todows.jaxws.AddTaskResponse._return
at bigws.todows.jaxws.AddTaskResponse
at com.sun.xml.ws.db.glassfish.JAXBRIContextFactory.newContext(JAXBRIContextFactory.java:104)
at com.sun.xml.ws.spi.db.BindingContextFactory.create(BindingContextFactory.java:182)
at com.sun.xml.ws.model.AbstractSEIModelImpl$1.run(AbstractSEIModelImpl.java:218)
at com.sun.xml.ws.model.AbstractSEIModelImpl$1.run(AbstractSEIModelImpl.java:191)
at java.security.AccessController.doPrivileged(Native Method)
at com.sun.xml.ws.model.AbstractSEIModelImpl.createJAXBContext(AbstractSEIModelImpl.java:191)
at com.sun.xml.ws.model.AbstractSEIModelImpl.postProcess(AbstractSEIModelImpl.java:110)
at com.sun.xml.ws.model.RuntimeModeler.buildRuntimeModel(RuntimeModeler.java:339)
at com.sun.xml.ws.db.DatabindingImpl.<init>(DatabindingImpl.java:100)
at com.sun.xml.ws.db.DatabindingProviderImpl.create(DatabindingProviderImpl.java:74)
at com.sun.xml.ws.db.DatabindingProviderImpl.create(DatabindingProviderImpl.java:58)
at com.sun.xml.ws.db.DatabindingFactoryImpl.createRuntime(DatabindingFactoryImpl.java:127)
at com.sun.xml.ws.server.EndpointFactory.createSEIModel(EndpointFactory.java:487)
at com.sun.xml.ws.server.EndpointFactory.create(EndpointFactory.java:283)
at com.sun.xml.ws.server.EndpointFactory.createEndpoint(EndpointFactory.java:158)
at com.sun.xml.ws.api.server.WSEndpoint.create(WSEndpoint.java:577)
at com.sun.xml.ws.api.server.WSEndpoint.create(WSEndpoint.java:560)
at com.sun.xml.ws.transport.http.server.EndpointImpl.createEndpoint(EndpointImpl.java:323)
at com.sun.xm
at com.sun.xml.ws.spi.ProviderImpl.createAndPublishEndpoint(ProviderImpl.java:134)
at javax.xml.ws.Endpoint.publish(Unknown Source)
at bigws.todows.Server.main(Server.java:8)
Caused by: com.sun.xml.bind.v2.runtime.IllegalAnnotationsException: 4 counts of IllegalAnnotationExceptions
La clase tiene dos propiedades con el mismo nombre "context"
this problem is related to the following location:
at public java.lang.String bigws.todows.Task.getContext()
at bigws.todows.Task
at public bigws.todows.Task bigws.todows.jaxws.AddTaskResponse._return
at bigws.todows.jaxws.AddTaskResponse
this problem is related to the following location:
at public java.lang.String bigws.todows.Task.context
at bigws.todows.Task
at public bigws.todows.Task bigws.todows.jaxws.AddTaskResponse._return
at bigws.todows.jaxws.AddTaskResponse
La clase tiene dos propiedades con el mismo nombre "name"
this problem is related to the following location:
at public java.lang.String bigws.todows.Task.getName()
at bigws.todows.Task
at public bigws.todows.Task bigws.todows.jaxws.AddTaskResponse._return
at bigws.todows.jaxws.AddTaskResponse
this problem is related to the following location:
at public java.lang.String bigws.todows.Task.name
at bigws.todows.Task
at public bigws.todows.Task bigws.todows.jaxws.AddTaskResponse._return
at bigws.todows.jaxws.AddTaskResponse
La clase tiene dos propiedades con el mismo nombre "priority"
this problem is related to the following location:
at public bigws.todows.PriorityType bigws.todows.Task.getPriority()
at bigws.todows.Task
at public bigws.todows.Task bigws.todows.jaxws.AddTaskResponse._return
at bigws.todows.jaxws.AddTaskResponse
this problem is related to the following location:
at public bigws.todows.PriorityType bigws.todows.Task.priority
at bigws.todows.Task
at public bigws.todows.Task bigws.todows.jaxws.AddTaskResponse._return
at bigws.todows.jaxws.AddTaskResponse
La clase tiene dos propiedades con el mismo nombre "project"
this problem is related to the following location:
at public java.lang.String bigws.todows.Task.getProject()
at bigws.todows.Task
at public bigws.todows.Task bigws.todows.jaxws.AddTaskResponse._return
at bigws.todows.jaxws.AddTaskResponse
this problem is related to the following location:
at public java.lang.String bigws.todows.Task.project
at bigws.todows.Task
at public bigws.todows.Task bigws.todows.jaxws.AddTaskResponse._return
at bigws.todows.jaxws.AddTaskResponse
at com.sun.xml.bind.v2.runtime.IllegalAnnotationsException$Builder.check(IllegalAnnotationsException.java:106)
at com.sun.xml.bind.v2.runtime.JAXBContextImpl.getTypeInfoSet(JAXBContextImpl.java:471)
at com.sun.xml.bind.v2.runtime.JAXBContextImpl.<init>(JAXBContextImpl.java:303)
at com.sun.xml.bind.v2.runtime.JAXBContextImpl.<init>(JAXBContextImpl.java:142)
at com.sun.xml.bind.v2.runtime.JAXBContextImpl$JAXBContextBuilder.build(JAXBContextImpl.java:1174)
at com.sun.xml.bind.v2.ContextFactory.createContext(ContextFactory.java:162)
at com.sun.xml.bind.api.JAXBRIContext.newInstance(JAXBRIContext.java:168)
at com.sun.xml.bind.api.JAXBRIContext.newInstance(JAXBRIContext.java:112)
at com.sun.xml.ws.developer.JAXBContextFactory$1.createJAXBContext(JAXBContextFactory.java:113)
at com.sun.xml.ws.db.glassfish.JAXBRIContextFactory.newContext(JAXBRIContextFactory.java:92)
... 21 more
I have also tried giving my Task Class private class variables a different name, for example:
public class Task {
public String taskName;
public String taskContext;
public String taskProject;
public PriorityType taskPriority;
// etc.
This way my code compiles perfectly and my Web Service works fine, but I get my SOAP XML Response with duplicated variables. Using SoapUI tool, this is the response I get once my class variables have been renamed by calling the addTask() method:
<S:Envelope xmlns:S="http://schemas.xmlsoap.org/soap/envelope/">
<ns2:addTaskResponse xmlns:ns2="http://todows.bigws/">
<taskName>Task Name</taskName>
<taskContext>Task Context</taskContext>
<taskProject>Task Project</taskProject>
<context>Task Context</context>
<name>Task Name</name>
<project>Task Project</project>
All my Web Service code can be found HERE: Github Repo.
Why can this be happening? Thank you!
JAXB discovers properties in a object by looking for properties that follow JavaBeans convention and public fields. The following example shows several properties than can be read (get
) and written (set
). Note that a JavaBeans property does not require that the underlying field has the same name. Other combinations are also possible. A read-only property, for example, has a getter method but no setter. A write-only property has a setter method only. A special case for boolean properties allows the accessor method to be defined using is
instead of get
. If JAXB discovers a clash (e.g. a public field named name
and a getter named getName
), it will fail.
public class Example {
public String first; // visible -> maps to <first>
private String second;
private String third;
private boolean fourth;
public String getSecond() { // visible -> maps to <second>
return second;
public void setSecond(String s)
second = s;
public String getSecondBis() { // visible -> maps to <secondBis>
return third;
public void setSecondBis(String s)
third = s;
public boolean isFourth() { // visible -> maps to <fourth>
return fourth;
public vois setFourth(boolean b)
fourth = b;
public String getFirst() { // invalid!!! getFirst clashes with public first
return first;
public void setFirst(String s)
first = s;